How to become a Project Manager

How to Become a Project Manager?

Becoming a project manager is an exciting and rewarding career choice. Whether you’re already working in a related field or looking to transition into project management, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the processes, knowledge and skills you need to succeed as a project manager.


# Understand the Role

Before beginning your job search, it’s crucial to understand what being a project manager entails. Reflect on your motivations for pursuing this career path to ensure it aligns with your professional goals and personal strengths.

For more insights into the profession, read our article, “Reasons to Study Project Management.”


# Gain Relevant Skills and Qualifications

While stepping into project management without formal qualifications is possible, having a certificate greatly enhances your career prospects by validating your skills and commitment to the field. Whether you are improving your existing abilities or starting anew, educational qualifications lay a strong foundation for career advancement.

If you’re looking to formalise your experience or if you’ve always aspired to be a project manager, consider pursuing one of the following courses:


# Get more project management experience

Once you’ve identified where you need to grow, it’s time to start putting your plan into action. Projects are all around us, so volunteer when you can. Take on extra responsibilities and develop your organisational skills, scheduling skills, people management skills, and everything you identified in step one.


# Network and Seek Opportunities

Networking is key to unlocking opportunities in the project management realm. Attend industry events, workshops, and seminars to connect with professionals in the field and explore potential career avenues. Additionally, you can seek related jobs or projects through job search applications such as SEEK, Indeed, Sidekicker, and Jora Jobs.


# Continuous Learning and Development

Continuous learning is key to maintaining competence and advancing in project management. Once you secure a position, seize every opportunity for further education and professional growth to stay current and increase your efficiency.


Becoming the Project Manager in Australia

A ready-made professional network

When you complete a project management courses with Collins Academy, you will be rewarded with not only a top-tier qualification but also a valuable network of like-minded business professionals. Forge connections, motivate one another and share opportunities and ideas that you can continue to draw upon long after graduation.

Launch your own business

A certificate of project management is not only for those wanting to open doors to upper-management positions in their industry. If you are an entrepreneur or business owner ready to upscale your team, output, customer base and profit margin, this course can offer you a clear and practical pathway to take your business to the next level. No matter the size of your business, we can equip you with the skills you need to realise your capabilities and potential.



In Australia, the average salary for a Project Manager stands impressively at $135,000 annually.

Project management is a rewarding career that allows you to make a real difference to a company’s bottom line. Take the first step today with Collins Academy and start your journey toward becoming a successful project manager

If you have more questions about Project Management or need to make enquiries, feel free to Contact Us.

Reasons to study Project Management

Unlock Your Potential in 2024

Are you still in exploration for your future career, trying to step out of your comfort zone and start your brand-new business, or seeking a next promotion in your current role? Let us spoil you with one of the secret recipes: embarking on a journey in project management.  

Project management is a relatively broad area of study – from building a new cafe restaurant down the street to promoting an electric car show within one month. Therefore, this blog post will help you understand the concept in the simplest way possible while giving you four key reasons to consider this pathway. 

What is Project Management?

Project management, in a simple term, refers to the process of completing tasks with deadlines and other limitations to achieve different goals of a project. The process has five key components: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing. 

Sounds simple, but it requires a lot of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques from start to finish. However, acquiring project management abilities as soon as possible will get you far in the long run, especially when the demand for quality labour changes rapidly.


Think you got what it takes?

To have a successful career in project management, a few of the important soft skills are:

  • Excellent Communication
  • Leadership
  • Time Management
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork
  • Patience and resilience
  • Organisation

If you are confident that you tick all or most of the boxes, here’s why you should study Project Management at Collins Academy: 

  1. Versatility and Variety 

The beauty of project management lies in its standardised yet flexible approach, establishing a common language for effective and efficient professional communication and collaboration. The project can be highly specialised, or it can involve members from diverse departments such as marketing or finance. To ensure seamless teamwork and process, the project members need to comprehensively understand all the deliverables and constraints, as well as acknowledge each step’s progress.  

The principles of project management are not industry-specific; they apply to all sectors. Whether you’re interested in healthcare, automotive, hospitality or IT, acquiring a project management certificate equips you with a skill set that transcends boundaries. This versatility ensures you to become a valuable asset, well-equipped to analyse and navigate a variety of industry challenges.

The decision to pursue a project management certificate isn’t just a choice for any career path; it’s a strategic investment in a skill set that offers you a passport to professional versatility and success. In the ever-evolving professional landscape, where career trajectories are no longer straight lines, having a project management credential is like having several tools that fit into different shapes and sizes. 

  1. Skill Enhancement – Personal and Professional 

A project management certificate is a gateway not only to managing projects but also to cultivating a diverse skill set that extends well beyond traditional project management boundaries. Aspiring project managers embark on a journey that emphasises not only coordination but the development of leadership and communication skills. The spotlight of project management courses is on inspiring and motivating teams, communicating clearly with stakeholders, and navigating challenges with finesse. 

Since a project can expose you to multiple objectives and tasks, it also creates a field of opportunities for you to learn more as a professional. You will gain insights into, for instance, optimising resource allocation, meeting deadlines, and achieving project goals. In turn, you will be able to have a robust base of problem-solving and critical thinking prowess, finding yourself adept at approaching issues systematically and devising innovative solutions. 

  1. Employability

Acquiring a qualification related to project management can lead to the cultivation of a multifaceted skill set that propels you towards success in diverse professional scenarios. This is what employers currently desire – it is one of the most in-demand skills requested on job listings.  

Project management graduates are highly sought after in multiple industries, especially ones that are undergoing drastic changes with the development of technology and disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic or recessed economy, for instance. In an era where businesses are interconnected and dynamic, having professionals who can easily adapt themselves into different landscapes is invaluable.

  1. Attractive Career Progression and Compensation 

In the dynamic landscape of today’s job market, a Certificate IV in Project Management Practice certificate emerges not just as a qualification but as a catalyst for significant career advancement. Organisations, keen on identifying result-oriented talents, recognise the immense value of project management expertise. Holding a certificate will set you apart in the competition, leading to more career opportunities and professional fulfilment – from stepping into project manager roles to ascending to higher-level positions.  

As your career trajectory goes upward, so does the potential for financial rewards. Project managers, armed with a project management certificate, often find themselves in a favourable position for competitive compensation packages. Organisations recognise the strategic impact of effective project management on their bottom line and are willing to reward professionals who bring this expertise to the table. 

In essence, pursuing a project management certificate isn’t just an investment in knowledge; it’s an investment in your career progression and financial prosperity. It’s a strategic move that not only unlocks doors to diverse career opportunities but also positions you for a rewarding journey up the professional ladder. 

Embarking on the journey to earn a Project Management Practice certificate is a strategic and flexible investment for your career trajectory. Beyond essential knowledge and abilities applicable to various work scenarios, it positions you as a sought-after candidate in today’s fiercely competitive job market. By obtaining this educational pursuit, you’re not merely checking a box; you’re unlocking doors to exciting opportunities, showcasing your commitment to excellence. 

Be part of successful professionals who have realised the career-changing potential of a project management certificate! Check out the information about Certificate IV in Project Management Practice at Collins Academy.

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